
PRF’s 11th International Scientific Workshop was a success!
Thank you to all of those who attended The Progeria Research Foundation’s 11th International Scientific Workshop – RACE Progeria to the Cure!

Sam Berns TEDx Talk Hits 50 Million Views!!
Wow – exciting news! Sam Berns’ TEDx talk, ‘My Philosophy for a Happy Life,’ has inspired millions around the world, and today hit a new milestone: 50 million views on alone (with a grand total of 95 million times, including on

Get PRF’s 2022 Newsletter here!
The word is out! PRF’s 2022 Newsletter and Annual Report are headed your way – rife with many exciting updates on PRF’s progress toward worldwide awareness and the CURE!

In Honor of Sam’s Birthday – Help us reach 50 million views!
We are close to a very exciting milestone – Sam Berns’ eternally inspiring TEDx talk, My Philosophy for a Happy Life, is quickly approaching 50 million views on

Charity Navigator 9 Years in a Row!
We’re thrilled to share that PRF has been awarded the highest 4-star Charity Navigator rating for our 9th straight year! Charity Navigator is the top evaluator of U.S.-based nonprofits, and this coveted 4-star rating is only awarded to 5% of the nonprofits evaluated....

International Sub-specialty Meeting – Progeria Aortic Stenosis Intervention Summit
In May 2022, The Progeria Research Foundation in partnership with Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Boston Children’s Hospital convened a specialized meeting of high-level cardiologists and researchers to discuss the urgency of cardiac stenosis in children with...

Happy Heart Health Month – and Happy Valentine’s Day!
At PRF, we LOVE Heart Health Month – because treating and curing the heart disease that affects all children and young adults with Progeria is at the ‘heart’ of our mission.

Get PRF’s 2021 Annual Newsletter here!
Check out our newsletter to read about FDA approval for the first-ever treatment for Progeria, learn how the research we fund has made remarkable progress toward the cure through genetic and RNA therapies, and get the scoop on all the exciting milestones we’re celebrating right now.

Another year of top Charity Navigator ratings!
We’re thrilled to share that PRF has been awarded the highest 4-star Charity Navigator rating for our 8th straight year! CharityNavigator is the top evaluator of U.S.-based nonprofits, and this coveted 4-star rating is only awarded to 6% of the nonprofits evaluated....

THANK YOU for making our 2021 ONEpossible Campaign a huge success!
PRF is planting the seeds of research in the most cutting-edge areas of science. Your support of our ONEpossible Campaign is the sunshine needed to cultivate the cure. DONATE today and be ONE to make the cure POSSIBLE!