PRF has organized and co-sponsored five subspecialty meetings and eleven open enrollment workshops.
PRF has brought scientists and clinicians together with our workshops to share their expertise for the sake of the children, so that research results are faster and more efficient. In addition to the rave reviews of the content, collegial atmosphere and structure of the workshops, many attendees have said PRF’s research-related programs provide an incentive to conducting Progeria-related work.
Upcoming Workshops
2025 Scientific Workshop: Coming of Age – Progeria Research Reaching for the Cure
Past Workshop and Sub-Specialty Summaries
2022 Scientific Workshop: Race Progeria to the Cure!
2022 International Sub-specialty Meeting – Progeria Aortic Stenosis Intervention Summit
2020 International Workshop – Webinar Version: Researching Possibilities Extending Lives
2018 Scientific Workshop: “Many Pathways, One Goal”
2016 Scientific Workshop: “Across the Table, Around the Globe”
2013 Scientific Workshop: Hand in Hand: Basic & Clinical Science Working Together Toward the Cure
2012: International Sub-specialty Meeting: “New Frontiers In Progeria Research”
2010 Workshop on Progeria: “From Bench to Bedside in a Decade”
2005 International Workshop on Progeria
2004 Bone Marrow Transplant Scientific Meeting
2001 NIH-PRF International Workshop – the 1st of its kind!
Research Consortium Meetings: The Group that Discovered the Progeria Gene!