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Press Room

Welcome to our Press Room!

Thanks to the tremendous media interest and PRF’s outreach efforts, we have identified record numbers of children with Progeria, and gained many new supporters who have joined in our quest for the cure after seeing stories of children with Progeria on TV, on line and in newspapers and magazines. Others are moved to take action after learning of the tremendous progress PRF is making through research studies published in leading scientific journals. And the publicity surrounding the connection between Progeria, heart disease and the normal aging process has intrigued countless others worldwide, as people recognize that finding the cure for Progeria may end up helping the entire aging population.

We receive many media inquiries from journalists and producers who are interested in developing their own stories to raise awareness of Progeria. If you are a member of the media and you would like to discuss a story idea that will help raise awareness and educate others about Progeria, please contact:

Eleanor Maillie

Press Releases

The following press releases detail the wonderful progress being made in Progeria research, thanks to the driving efforts of The Progeria Research Foundation:


Click here to view PRF in the News (2003 – 2010), which highlights our top media coverage, including CNN, ABC Primetime, New York Times Magazine and more!
