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We’re back at it! PRF is thrilled to announce the start of a new Progeria clinical trial with a new drug called Progerinin. PRF will help fund and coordinate this trial to determine whether a new drug, called Progerinin, plus the life-extending Progeria drug lonafarnib (Zokinvy) is more beneficial than lonafarnib alone.

This trial is a partnership between PRF, trial sponsor, Korean-based biotech company PRG Science & Technology (PRG S&T), Boston Children’s Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, where the trial will take place. While lonafarnib has been shown to increase lifespan in a Progeria mouse model by 25%, Progerinin has been shown to increase the mice lifespan by 50%.Very encouraging!

For more details on the trial, check out our press release here.

